The Massey Laundry team meet with us yesterday introducing their new team members (Gwn, Georgie and Rick) and gave us an energetic pitch that covered the project's purpose and their first trial. First showing us a video clip to set the scene the team launched dramatically into their pitch.
The team looks at the laundry service on campus as an opportunity to create culture. They relate back to the residential hall the Cube and the social experiences they had in the shared laundry. Saying like the Cube, Massey is a hub where student gather on campus at the same time, that not only can the laundry get students clothes clean, but can be a location to socialise. Where does the team want to put it? For the location the laundry team says they think a central place with indoor outdoor flow is best. The place would be aerated, easily seen, somewhere on the outskirts of the campus so student don't have to carry their washing through the uni. Identifying level 3 in the SST building as a place they'd think would work, saying it is central, possibilities for aeration and with breakout spaces in the building for people to wait for their clothes to be clean. The team also identified some problems they may come across:
The trial was pitched to run over 5-10 days, the team will hire machines from Mr Rental or buy 2nd hand off Trade Me. The team will push the laundry hard through advertising with videos, posters - they identify themselves as a team with strong skills in people to people communication. Gwn told us how at his highschool they had a laundry next to the school canteen. They all believe the laundry will be a huge selling point to nursing students and the soon-to-have-a-uniform sport and exercise students. Next came the Pros:
The feedback Both Mags and myself (Marie) were very impressed with the teams pitch. We have asked the team to go out and talk to students about their assumptions and then bring back a more thought-out proposal detailing costs, dates and how the team will measure their impact. To help the team out Mags and I will try to find a space for the team to host the trial and even see if their are any staff members keen to come onboard. It was also speculated that starting with driers might be a better option, as they only require power, not water too.
Mags and Marie meet with Jack Mayo today to talk to him about his idea for a self-service laundry on the Massey Wellington campus. This idea came from students needing a convenient and viable way to do their laundry if they are unable to at their flat. The laundry will provide these students will a positive and cheap place to wash and dry their clothes.
The laundry wouldn't just be for students, staff would be able to use it too for their needs if they wish. An idea floated today; that students and staff may pay a semesterly membership to have access to the secure room where one or two washers and driers are. Perhaps even complementary washing powder will be available. Jack also acknowledged that key users of the service could be gym goers and nursing students who need to wash their uniforms and clothes more regularly. Project Goals
Focus Questions
Potential Collaborators
Next steps The next steps for Jack is to create a team around the project and start talking to multiple people at the university about the idea including the Campus Registrar, Student Central Manager, the students, recreation, Louis from The Cube and MAWSA's Nursing Executive. |
About this project
Massey Laundry is a project to establish a self-service laundry on the Massey University Wellington campus. It will be available to both student and staff in a secure room. The laundry will help foster the positive community and add to the ever growing support Massey provides for students.
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